live from the vault . .
This is as raw and unpolished as it gets folks! This was found on reel-to-reel tapes that had been put away. It was recorded live in our studio, mom's bedroom, and I think I hear the voice of my uncle Mick Blum in there. I'm not sure about the copyrite issues, so I tried to pick a song that was old enough to be safe, like "Tramp on the Street". Dad and Mom are both gone, so these recordings mean a lot to me. It will be good to see them again. Christians have this hope!!
The second track was recorded at the Myrtle Point Gun Club, our cover of the classic "Glad Reunion Day"
The third and final track begins with a barely audible prayer for the Lord's help in our rehearsal, runs through the old classic "Someone to Care", and ends with a peppy rendition of the Happy Goodman's "Caught Up Together". We finally crash on the third ending with a massive volume overload and Mom's comment, "did that break the needles off?", followed by my clever retort, "just about . . they gotta bow in 'em".
Ahhh, to be young again . .