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Virtual Steve



1. THE ANCHOR and VIRTUAL STEVE is where you are now (see the menu above)

2. THE EXTRAS contain logging pictures, people talking . . well, you'll see! They're extras!

3. THE SONGS are my (Steve Blum"s) songs, not all, but most - for free-

4. THE VIDEOS are, yep, videos. All good. Check it out!

5. THE IDEAS are my thoughts and short sermons. The Word of God brings life!

6, THE STORY is the story of the Singing Blum Family

7. THE VAULT is where you keep your most precious things

8. CONTACT ME is where you can email me - and I will answer!


P.S. Blue words are links. If you click on them they will take you somewhere else, so click, click . .

     What is The Anchor?


     THE ANCHOR is fixed, immovable and immutable. Its position and character are independent of the opinion or preference of men. It is unalterable. It is the fixed point around which reality finds meaning and definition. It is empirical, objective Truth, and seeks no validation before the bar of Man, for The Anchor made and defines Man. It is eternally stable, the prime cause, the incomprehensible singularity, the point of origin . . and good.

     The higher criticism of the 18th century, the despair of Kant, Neitchze, Sarte and Heidegger, was at once the womb and the grave of the post-modern world. Like the acidic saliva of H.R. Giger's Alien, its corrosive descent will not stop at the destruction of civilization but will continue downward, erasing the meaning of human existence itself. What greater insanity can be vocalized than to say Truth cannot be known?  


The Abolition of Man


     C.S. Lewis' brief but pungent booklet The Abolition of Man prophesied the finale of post-modernism, the belief that objective truth does not exist. His keen retort to the "debunkers"  of truth is timeless . .



                    “You can’t go on “seeing through” things forever. The whole point of seeing through something is to see

                    something through it. To “see through” all things is the same as not to see.” 
                    ― C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man



     The post-modern assault against absolutes is a war against sanity. Lewis warned that the ongoing battle against objective truth (the Tao, or "the way") is suicide. He warns "if the rebels could succeed they would find that they had destroyed themselves.” Those who abandon objective truth speak absurdity. To cry "There are no absolutes!" , and add, "Absolutely!"  is a self-defeating argument that leaves its professors illogical and destructive. Postmodernism is simply another word for godlessness, for people who have no God, no absolute, objective truth. And the error of democracy demands that the world allow them to drag us all into a dark dystopian future.  All would be lost . . were it not for The Anchor.

     The Ancients were much wiser. They universally, at least publicly, acknowledged the existence of god or gods and sought their favor. Sacrifice to The Deity began at the dawn of Man and was universal. The acknowledgement of Man's sin and that justice demanded a price be paid was not backward superstition. It was honesty. From Assyria to Babylon, from the Chinese Border Sacrifice, from the Greek thru the Roman culture, the testimony of human civilization is that someone must pay, that Man as he is cannot stand before God. Whence the origin of this most ancient universal myth? The Myth also included a garden, the original man and woman, and an evil tempter - the serpent. Though recorded in The Bible, this primal story was recorded by the Assyrians, the ancient Chinese and others. Another part of the story says that One was coming, the seed promised Eve, that would crush the head of Teitan, Sheitan or Satan. By 1300 B.C the Israelites had entered Canaan and their stunning, miraculous victories drew the attention of kings near and far. An ancient text found at Deir Alla, Jordan, in 1967 with the name "Balaam, son of Beor" was found, vindicating the Mesopotamian prophet's  authority. The Book of Numbers records one of his prophecies:


                 "Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. He hath

                 not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him,

                 and the shout of a king is among them. God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of

                 an unicorn." (Numbers 23:20-22)


     By 600 B.C. the Israelites had long been in the land and had gone into captivity. Daniel the prophet was in the company of the Chaldeans, the kingmakers, the stargazing "wise men" whose counsel was coveted so highly. Daniel was regarded as "ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm" (Daniel 1:20) and it was he that gave the prophecy of the "stone cut without hands" that was destined to overthow all the kingdoms of the world" (Daniel 2:34). In chapter 7 we see all the kingdoms of earth conquered as the "Ancient of Days" sits upon his throne - but we see something new. We see a figure called the "son of man" coming before the "Ancient of Days" coming with the clouds of heaven, who is given an "everlasting dominion", and something even more remarkable, a "horn" or power that wars against the saints and prevails, though ultimately the kingdom "shall be given to the saints of the most high" (Daniel ch. 7).

     It was the Chaldeans who came to Herod and asked, "Where is he that is born King of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him". You know the rest of the story.


and for the postmodern . .                                                   


“When all that says ‘it is good’ has been debunked, what says ‘I want’ remains.” 
                 â€• C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


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